Rachael works for the plants – she lives in service to plant medicine with a focus on the cannabis master plant. Her practices start in the soil with regenerative farming. Rachael speaks on behalf of the natural world,  honoring the plants and life in the soil by transmitting their messages for the wellbeing of all— regenerating body, mind and soil for the collective. Rachael is the Founder and Director of the Ganjasana Plant Medicine School where she facilitates courses on comprehensive cannabis education including plant cultivation, regenerative farming, permaculture, plant spirit medicine, sexual health and offers a 100 Hour Yoga Alliance YTT approved CEU training. 

She developed ‘The Green Tent’ - Women’s Cannabis Circles to support womb-wellness through ancient ritual. A trail blazer in the eco-conscious movement, Rachael was awarded the first Cosmic Sister Plant Spirit Medicine Grant, a merit-based program that supports outstanding women, for research on Ayahuasca Psychedelic Therapy in the Peruvian Amazon. She actively promotes the Cosmic Sister message, to uplift females who strive for the rights of women, wildlife and wilderness.

A Co-Founder of Suelo Vivo, a Certified Regenerative Hemp seed-to-sale CBD Company, Rachael lives in alignment with the natural rhythms of the sun, moon, and stars, and grows living soil, regenerative cannabis, and vermicompost. 

Rachael earned her Certification in Mindfulness Education at the University of California, Berkeley Graduate Program, and is a Certified Yoga Instructor with an academic foundation in Pre-Med + Plant and Soil Sciences from The University of Massachusetts, Amherst. As a DEM Pure Certified Regenerative Agriculture Educator, she certifies farms and companies who uphold ethical restorative practices. She works with many plant allies including a deep passion for cannabis, hemp, and ayahuasca, and contributes to Skunk Magazine with her ‘Cultivation Column.’

Rachael developed body awareness discipline at the age of four when she began dancing for the Ballet of Boston and is working towards a global sustainable transformation in the way cannabis is cultivated, embodied, consumed and legalized. She developed Ganjasana out of a need to heal her own body, and to take back the plants medicinal roots; she is proud to share the fruits of her deep insight with others.